Preliminary list of Invited talks:
• Francesco Bochicchio, Italian National Institute of Health, Roma, Italy: “Protection from health risks due to radon exposure and recent /forthcoming regulations: present knowledge and challenges”
• Tore Tollefsen, EC Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italy: “From the European indoor radon map towards a map of natural radiation” (since Mr. Tollefsen was unable to give his Talk, the Talk was given by Dr. Valeria Gruber (Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES) Department for Radon and Radioecology), a coauthor of this contribution)
• Constantin Cosma, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania: “Radon research status in Romania”
• Stephanie Hurst, Saxon State Ministry for Environment and Agriculture, Dresden, Germany: “EU - BSS National radon action plan - an approach to get hold of geogenic risk”